An Agile Business Depends On An Agile IT

Edge Services, including cloud computing, have become more critical than ever to business success, while the complexity, uncertainty, and risk associated with them have increased exponentially.

In order to maintain business efficiency, agility, and relevance, corporations must increasingly utilize 3rd-party service providers for IT services outside of the physical walls of the company’s offices, also known as the “edge” of a company’s local area network. It is at this critical junction that Fluent’s strategic cosourcing model delivers its value by helping enterprises drive greater efficiency and agility from their service provider solutions and relationships.

From the edge of the network outward, IT organizations rely on subscription-based vendors to provide communications to and across the outside world. As telecommunications, network services, and cloud services continue to evolve and converge, these 3rd-party service providers have become increasingly important to enterprise businesses, while the service provider landscape and their technologies have become ever more complex.

Therefore, business success is increasingly dependent upon the IT organization’s ability to choose the right service providers and cloud-based solutions, establish optimal contractual terms, and manage these service provider solutions effectively, all within the context of ever-tightening IT budgets and human resource constraints, and the ever-increasing demands for higher productivity and faster time-to-capabilities.

IT Cosourcing Delivers IT Agility

Fluent helps you deliver sustained, real-world advantages in your service provider solutions.

Our experience in edge technologies, sourcing, and operations, combined with our progressive cosourcing business model, provide our clients with more efficient and effective service provider solutions which drive operational, financial, and competitive benefits long after the initial service provider agreement has been executed.